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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Puerto Rico Leads The Way for Immigration Reform

Gov. García Padilla celebrates with Dominican community new law he enacted that allows undocumented immigrants the right to test for driving licenses.SAN JUAN, PR – Where President Obama has not be able, nor has the US Congress willing, the US territory of Puerto Rico did what the federal elected officials promise and don't do: reform immigration, step by step.

The first step was to allow immigrants to take the driver's license test, both written and road, and if they pass, they get the licence. Whether they have a legal status to be in Puerto Rico, which is to say, to be on United States land, is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is whether they know how to drive.

Puerto Rico is home to immigrants from around the world, mostly from the Caribbean, mostly from the Dominican Republic. In Barrio Obrero in San Juan, where a thriving Dominican community has be living for decades, there were celebrations.

Official representatives from the Dominican Republic and Panamá lauded the news, made reality by the swift pen of Gov. Alejandro García Padilla.

Noticel has the complete story here.