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Monday, January 30, 2012

Spanish as a Voting Language

Voting Rights Act GOP presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney agreed that ballots should be available only in English, a position that goes against the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

The law, passed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, dismantled many of the obstacles that intentionally impeded blacks and other disenfranchised communities from voting. It was sweeping in its intent and enforcement. Today, according to the U.S. Census, “248 jurisdictions across the nation that must provide language assistance during elections for groups who are unable to speak or understand English adequately enough to participate in the electoral process.”

And yet, both Gingrich and Romney are in the lead for the GOP nomination, and just as bad, corporate media characterizes them as people to be taken seriously. Recent examples of their dim witted ideas:

  • Last week Gingrich served up the insane idea to colonize the moon and then convert it into the 51st state. The District of Colombia, with more than 600,000 residents, have been clamoring for statehood for decades to no avail. And they host Congress, the White House and K Street lobbyists. And it is the capitol of the country.
  • Romney pushed for a “self-deportation”plan for people with visas.


No wonder real estate tycoon, TV personality and Rosie O’Donnell hater Donald Trump thought he made perfect sense when he opted to run for the presidency. Any lunatic with money can.

The good news is that come election time, voters will go with President Obama again. Hopefully.